Fungal nail infections are common and are caused by fungi that live in the environment. Wash your hands before preparing or eating food, after coughing or sneezing, after changing a diaper, and after using the toilet. Localized fungal infections sometimes occur when. 21 These fungi live in soil. However, people with weakened immune systems or lung diseases are at a higher risk of developing health problems due to Aspergillus. Aspergillosis is an infection caused by Aspergillus, a common mold (a type of fungus) that lives indoors and outdoors. Aspergillosis is a disease caused by Aspergillus, a common mold (a type of fungus) that lives indoors and outdoors. Ringworm is also called “tinea” or “dermatophytosis. Fungal infection, also known as mycosis, is a disease caused by fungi. Valley fever is a fungal infection caused by coccidioides (kok-sid-e-OY-deze) organisms. This is because the weakened body defenses allows the organism to multiply and grow to critical levels in the. Infections can also happen when you have a poor blood supply to an area of your body or if your. The infection often spreads to the middle of the nail, making the nail discoloured and sometimes thicker in parts. aureus accounts for 90% of the pyomyositis cases in the tropics and 70% of cases in the developed world. Fingal. Some fungal infections are caused by fungi that often live on the hair, nails, and outer skin layers. Fungal acne is a type of infection in your skin’s hair follicles. Based on the 2013 video game developed by. Fungal infections may be superficial, causing hair loss, redness, scaling, crusting, increased pigmentation, and pustules (bulging patch of skin). If left untreated, an infection by the common fish. Animal to human. 1-3 Opportunists are ubiquitous in the environment and are transmitted by either spore inhalation or percutaneous inoculation. About 70 percent of Blastomyces infections, 52 percent of Coccidioides cases and 56 percent of Histoplasma infections. But fungi can also be found inside the home and may even come from elsewhere within the human body. Many human infections are caused by either bacteria or viruses. More often, though. For all fungal infections, finding the correct diagnosis can. This process has to be repeated every day for two to three weeks. “In our population, where having two square meals a day is difficult. Because skin folds are warm and moist, they. It may start in one nail fold, particularly the proximal nail fold, but often spreads laterally and to several other fingers. Toenail fungus, also called onychomycosis or tinea unguium, is a fungal infection that can change the appearance of your toenails. , staph infection is the most common bacterial skin infection found in dogs. Common Signs of a Fungal Infection. People with weak immune systems are most at risk. In all cases, bacteria, fungi, and viruses infect one cell or one tissue and then start to. Fungal acne can. Topics A-Z. Pneumonia is a lung infection caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. Fungal infections can come from outside sources, such as vegetation that may brush against the eye. You can inhale the spores or they can land on you. Candida colonization differs from infection in that infection produces tissue reaction. Oral thrush — also called oral candidiasis (kan-dih-DIE-uh-sis) — is a condition in which the fungus Candida albicans accumulates on the lining of your mouth. Itchy skin. This makes good hygiene and early detection and treatment essential to. When spores of a fungal organism invade the lungs, a pulmonary infection can develop. Symptoms include pain, redness, excessive tearing, blurriness, and eye discharge. Ringworm is a common fungal infection that can cause a red or silvery ring-like rash on the skin. It primarily affects people with weakened immune. There are more than 20 species of Candida that have been identified. 1. The symptoms of vaginal candidiasis include: 1, 2. The interface dermatitis reaction isn't exactly a fungal infection. It was the summer of 2022 when veterinarian David Needle first started hearing. As the name suggests, the common fish fungus is caused by fungal spores. To put these numbers in perspective, tuberculosis is reported to cause 1. Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. The moisture increases the friction, which. com • Fngml. Keratitis is a disease of the clear, front layer of the eye (the cornea). Summary. About 20,000 cases are reported in the United States each year, mostly from Arizona and California. Fingernail infection or toenail fungus. There are a few kinds of. D. Symptoms of keratitis include: Eye redness. It primarily affects people with weakened immune. 3, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis is 2. Fungal infections can affect only one area of the body (localized) or many areas of the body (systemic). It also often affects people who swim frequently, live with diabetes, or have. Fungal infections are among the most common diseases seen in tropical fish. Invasive Eye Procedure. On imaging, an Aspergillus infection causes an abscess that looks like a cannonball in the brain. Microorganisms such as yeast and bacteria also can infect. Candidemia, a bloodstream infection with Candida, is the most. fing1234. It's often caused by an infection with bacteria. Inhaling fungal spores is one of the most common ways to develop an internal fungal infection. Fungal diseases in the lungs are often similar to other illnesses such as bacterial or viral pneumonia. This allows the entry of organisms and irritants. The WHO fungal priority pathogens list (FPPL) is the first global effort to systematically prioritize fungal pathogens, considering the unmet research and development (R&D). Discharge from the ear varies between patients and may give a clue to the cause of the condition. For inquiries about when an order has been. Cleanliness 5. Learn more about thrush in males here. If your condition is mild and not bothering you, you may not need treatment. Protecting your garden with savvy culture practices and effective fungal treatment helps keep the. Typically caused by Aspergillus, but can also be caused by other types of mold, such as mucormycetes. How long do the symptoms of histoplasmosis last? For most people, the symptoms of histoplasmosis will go away within a few weeks to a month. Its formal name is onychomycosis, and it’s a lot like athlete’s foot. A bacterial infection is treated with antibiotics, and fungal infections are treated with antifungals. Pain or burning. However, some fungi are specialized for transmission by insect vectors. Excess tears or other discharge from your eye. Histoplasmosis is an infection caused by a fungus called Histoplasma. You can lower the risk of antifungal resistance by taking medicine as prescribed. of fungal diversity. Fngml. September 7, 2019 ·. Oral thrush causes creamy white lesions, usually on your tongue or inner cheeks. : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of fungi 2 : caused by a fungus a fungal skin disease Examples of fungal in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web Folliculitis. Fungal keratitis can develop quickly from an eye injury or contact lens use. 5 million deaths/year [ 3] and malaria around 405,000 deaths/year [ 4 ]. Many different types of fungi can cause mycosis, and some types, such as Cryptococcus and Histoplasma, can cause severe, life-threatening infections. However, some women can develop severe infections involving redness, swelling, and cracks in the wall of the vagina. Fungal pathogens employ various mechanisms to evade the host immune system and to progress the severity of infections. In some cases, treatment cannot restore vision. Hansen’s disease (leprosy) Systemic infections that can cause skin rashes include: syphilis. Fungal infections can attack different segments of the eye. Eye infections can be caused due to several microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, amoeba and fungi. Most people breathe in Aspergillus spores every day without getting sick. [5] [13] Different types are traditionally divided according to the part of the body affected; superficial, subcutaneous, and systemic. In addition, chelated metals may also be able to inhibit fungal growth. Tinea pedis is a foot infection due to a dermatophyte fungus. Infected hair follicles may be removed easily, but more severe fungal infections create under the skin nodules, draining tracts, and abscesses. They include yeast-like fungi such as candida. A fungal culture test helps diagnose fungal infections. Bacteria are tiny single-celled organisms, thought by some researchers. It commonly occurs in people whose feet have become very sweaty while confined within tight-fitting shoes. Choose between our classic & luxury cabins or duplex, or stay in our Penthouse. But in people with healthy immune systems, it’s easily treatable with antifungal medications. Mansnamnet Fingal är ett keltiskt namn (ursprungligen Fionnghall) med betydelsen ljus främling eller vit främling, och syftar på de ljushåriga nordborna. Ringworm is a fungal infection that causes a ring-shaped mark on the skin. Yeast is a type of fungus, and candida is a specific type of yeast. Your veterinarian may prescribe a variety of treatments, depending on the seriousness, location, and type of infection. Infections can be. Fungal balls can also trap bacteria, which can lead to a secondary bacterial infection. Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) is a serious infection caused by the fungus Pneumocystis jirovecii. DermNet provides Google Translate, a free machine translation service. These skin infections typically appear on moist areas of the body, such as: 1,2. These organisms are. Conditions like eczema and psoriasis can sometimes resemble ringworm, but there are key differences in appearance. Let’s look at two common types of fungal infections that affect the skin of dogs and how to treat them. You may notice discharge leaking out of the ear. Fingal ( English: / ˈfɪŋɡəl / FING-gəl; from Irish: Fine Gall, meaning ' foreign tribe ') is a county in Ireland. Ringworm is a common fungal infection in pets. Untreated. The sinuses are hollow, air-filled spaces near the nose, cheeks, and eyes. The most common way for someone to develop a fungal eye infection is as a result of an eye injury, particularly if the injury was. A variety of classic and emerging soil-related bacterial and fungal pathogens cause serious human disease that frequently presents in primary care settings. Fungal infection. Often overlooked, hand-washing is one of the easiest and most effective ways to protect yourself from germs and most infections. An estimated 57 251 328 of the 1 393 400 000 people in India (4. Inhaling fungal spores is one of the most common ways to develop an internal fungal infection. Candida can cause infections if it grows out of. Shortness of breath. (2014) figured that current esti-mates of 0. The mycetoma belt region is shaded in. Learn about seven types, such as a yeast infection or ringworm. Fever. Fungi live everywhere: Outdoors in air and soil and on plants. Fungal infections today are among the most difficult diseases to manage in humans. 16. It’s called “ringworm” because it can cause a circular rash (shaped like a ring) that is usually red and itchy. Itraconazole. Definition of Fingal in the Definitions. Everyone—including CDC scientists, healthcare professionals, and the general public—has a role to play in preventing resistant fungal infections. Each year, CDC and partners dedicate FDAW to activities and outreach that encourage everyone to Think Fungus. These. Fungal lung infections require medications that are usually prescribed and monitored by a lung specialist. Ringworm. Being informed can help patients stay safe and help. Fungi can also negatively affect the quality of crops, causing an accumulation of toxins. Fungal infections can cause many symptoms in dogs. The overarching categories are non-invasive and invasive fungal sinusitis. 1. Oral or topical medications and home remedies, such as applying Vicks, may help manage it. Fungal pneumonia is a serious disorder that can quickly. ; Vaginitis and vaginal yeast infection. Fungal infections are seldom construed at initial stages that intensify the severity of infections and complicate the treatment procedures. gal@ky. Oral thrush is a common fungal infection that affects the mouth and throat. Lung infections like Valley fever or histoplasmosis can happen in people who live in or visit certain areas. Fungal meningitis is rare and not. Note that this may not provide an exact translation in all languages. Some species of Candida can cause infection in people; the most common is Candida albicans. It’s probably impossible to completely avoid breathing in some Aspergillus spores. fungal meningitis, which affects the brain; You're more at risk of getting one of these more serious fungal infections if you have a weakened immune system – for example, if you're taking medicines to suppress your immune system. There are two main formulations of allyamines—Lamisil (terbinafine) and Naftin (naftifine). Fungal infection, also known as mycosis, is a disease caused by fungi. Fungal eye infection symptoms are similar to those of other types of eye infections (like those caused by bacteria) and can include: Eye pain. Topical medications may include creams, gels, lotions, solutions, or shampoos. The condition can be itchy, sore and embarrassing. Virtually all human fungal infections originate from the environment through skin contact with or without trauma, or via inhalation or ingestion of fungal spores. People become infected by breathing in fungi present in the air. Summary. Inhalation of fungal spores (often carried on dust particles) is the only established mode of infection. If you prefer, you may fax the form to us at (502) 564-9557 or email it to: fin. Honey. Medical illustration of Microsporum canis, one of the types of fungi that causes ringworm. Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that exist as yeast, molds, or both forms. Fungal skin infections, Ringworm of skin, Tinea of skin, Fungal infection of skin, Dermatophytosis. One main difference is the way these two infections are treated. Some infections have been traced to contaminated medical products such as contact lens solution, 3 irrigation solution 4 and dye 5 used during eye surgery, or corticosteroids injected directly into the eye. Despite its name, ringworm doesn’t have anything to do with worms. Athlete’s foot causes an itchy, stinging, burning rash on the skin on one or both of your feet. Fungal infections are treated similarly, with antifungal medications, and parasites are treated with antiparasitic medications. Symptoms include areas of extreme redness and swelling with a sharply defined border. Prevention About. Abnormal vaginal discharge. Eye discharge. Takeaway. Although symptoms will vary, a rash and scaly skin are two common symptoms. Draining skin lesions. Researchers have found a new possible treatment for mycetoma, one of the world’s most neglected diseases, which often destroys tissue to the point. Prevention of fungal infections. com is currently an active website, according to alexa, fngml. Hematogenous dissemination frequently occurs, especially in an immunocompromised. Also called vaginal candidiasis, vaginal yeast infection affects up to 3 out of 4 women at some point in their lifetimes. Fungal infections can come from outside sources, such as vegetation that may brush against the eye. Ringworm often spreads by direct, skin-to-skin contact with an infected person. There are three subtypes of non-invasive fungal sinusitis (FS): Fungal ball (FB), saprophytic fungal sinusitis (SFS), and allergic fungal rhinosinusitis (AFRS). Providers treat most cases of fungal sinusitis with sinus surgery, and extreme forms may. [1] Multiple areas can be affected at a given time. Coccidioidomycosis is primarily a chronic respiratory disease, but canine infections can spread throughout the dog’s body infecting many tissues. Signs and symptoms of ringworm of the scalp may include: One or more round, scaly or inflamed patches where the hair has broken off at or near the scalp. Ringworm is a common skin infection that is caused by a fungus. Among the most common symptoms of a fungal infection are a high fever, gastrointestinal distress, sweats, weight loss, and malaise. It begins as a white or yellow-brown spot under the tip of your fingernail or toenail. Several types of fungal sinus infections cause similar symptoms. Itchy, white or scaly rash between the toes or on the feet. thickening and distortion of the nail – it may become an unusual shape or texture and be difficult to trim. Case mortality in fungal pneumonias can be as high as 90% in immunocompromised patients, [1] [2] though immunocompetent patients generally respond well to anti-fungal therapy. In the United States, people with HIV/AIDS are. While pruritis ani can occur for other reasons, fungal infections are thought to cause about 15% of cases. With the widespread use of antibacterial drugs and increasing number of immunocompromised patients, pulmonary fungal infections are becoming more common. Hand-washing. More than 1000 people in the US seem to die every year due to. Ear discomfort can range from pruritus (itching) to severe pain that is worsened by motion of the ear, e. Fungal infections are a common complication of acrylic nails. People who have fungal toenail infections often have a fungal skin infection on the foot, especially between the toes (commonly called athlete’s foot, ringworm on the foot, or tinea pedis). Symptoms of meningitis include a headache, fever, and a rigid neck. 985 reviews. The main difference between fungal and bacterial infection is that fungal infections are treated with antifungal medications whereas bacterial infections are treated with antibacterial medications. Candida colonization differs from infection in that infection produces tissue reaction. Hair loss. Chronic paronychia is a gradual process. Antifungal drugs are medications that are used to treat fungal infections. The number of infections increased by 59%, to 756, from 2019 to 2020 and then by an additional 95%, to 1,471, in 2021. Fungus in the soil, air and on your skin can cause yeast infections, ringworm, and nail and skin infections. Discoloration (yellowing, browning, or whitening) of the nail. Pneumocystosis in Dogs. Dutch elm disease is the best-known example of a fungal disease of plants transmitted by an insect vector. Thrush on the penis is a type of yeast infection, similar to a vaginal yeast infection. Fungi have a cell wall, which usually consists of chitin, mannan, and chitosan, and also includes various proteins, lipids, and polyphosphates. Treatment will vary depending on the type of infection. Talaromycosis is an infection caused by the fungus Talaromyces marneffei. Some live in the human body. (See also Introduction to Urinary Tract Infections [UTIs] . Synonyms of candidiasis include candidosis,. Epidemics may occur when rainy periods are followed by drought, resulting in dust storms. It’s not usually spread from an infected person to other people. Preventing fungal healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) is a critical part of patient care and outcomes. Eye pain. 1. 1, founding director of Eternal Dermatology + Aesthetics and professor. Try looking in the monthly archives. Most people who get PCP have a medical condition that weakens their immune system, like HIV/AIDS, or take medicines (such as corticosteroids) that lower the body’s ability to fight germs and sickness. Fungal diseases can affect anyone. The most common symptoms of otitis externa are otalgia (ear discomfort) and otorrhoea (discharge from the external auditory canal). There are three subtypes of non-invasive fungal sinusitis (FS): Fungal ball (FB), saprophytic fungal sinusitis (SFS), and allergic fungal rhinosinusitis (AFRS). 3% hydrogen peroxide will soften any crusted or hardened debris in the ear canal and help wash fungal colonies out of your ear. رهف القنون - الفن والجمال - رهف محمد القنون الشمري rahaf-mohammed-al-qunun الفتاة السعودية الهاربة إلى كندا تعرت ومارست الاباحية على اونلي فانز . There are several types of fungal skin infections, including athlete's foot, ringworm, jock itch, and others. Diagnosis of Fungal Infections. Species turnover was. Balanoposthitis occurs. Fungal skin infections are rarely serious. Follow your veterinarian's suggestions for treatment. Fungal dermatitis, also called yeast dermatitis or Malessezia dermatitis is a fungal infection in dogs caused by the Malessezia pachydermatis fungus. For example, fungal spores can get into the air from an infected person and land on the scalp of another person. Types of fungal infections include: Athlete’s foot (tinea pedis): The most common type of fungal infection, this condition often spreads when people walk barefoot in public bathrooms or locker rooms. These patches may be lighter or darker in color than the surrounding skin and most commonly affect the trunk and shoulders. These samples are sent to a lab to identify the cause of your symptoms. Candidiasis occurs most commonly as a secondary infection in immunocompromised individuals. 1,2. Although the epidemiology of fungal diseases has greatly changed over the past few decades, Aspergillus, Candida, Cryptococcus species, Pneumocystis jirovecii, endemic dimorphic fungi such as Histoplasma capsulatum and Mucormycetes remain the main fungal pathogens responsible for the majority cases of serious fungal. Pain during sexual intercourse. 7 Infection can be. 1 Sometimes, Candida can multiply and cause an infection if the environment inside the mouth, throat, or esophagus changes in a way that encourages fungal growth. Bacterial infections in the toe are less common than fungal infections but can become very serious. The medical terms for such infections are onychomycosis or tinea unguium . Ranked Australia’s fifth best Public Access Course by Golf Australia Magazine, St Andrews Beach Golf Course. Growing data being reported have indicated that multiple. Fungal keratitis is an infection of the cornea. Itching is typically one of the first symptoms of an anal yeast infection. It is caused by a fungal infection—not an actual worm. In the right circumstances the fungi enter the body via the lungs, through the gut, paranasal sinuses or skin. 2023 Travelers' Choice Best of the Best. Ringworm. Make sure the tools you. 1%) suffer from a serious fungal disease. Generally, it affects people with weakened. Majocchi’s granuloma, also known as fungal folliculitis, is a rare form of tinea corporis that occurs when dermatophytes penetrate the skin through damaged hair follicles, causing a deep skin infection. g. Leaf spot diseases should be taken seriously if they result in moderate to complete leaf loss two to four years in a row. Respiratory fungal infection is a severe clinical problem, especially in patients with compromised immune functions. The term mycoses generally refers to an infection caused by fungi, also known as mycetes, while cutaneous refers to the involvement of the skin. But some can cause severe illness, like fungal blastomycosis or histoplasmosis. Plant pathology is the study of plant disease including the reasons why plants get sick and how to control or manage healthy plants. This relatively common inflammatory skin condition can occur when the yeast that normally lives in your pet’s ears, mucocutaneous areas and skin, reproduces uncontrollably and overpopulates. Candidiasis in the vagina is typically referred to as a “yeast infection. Our elegant ballroom, with a grand sweeping staircase can seat up to 60 people for dinner. Onychomycosis is a chronic fungal infection of the fingernail or toenail bed leading to brittle, discolored, and thickened nails. Fungal infections, like athlete’s foot, are often more annoying than serious. Fungal pneumonia is a non-contagious lung infection caused by fungal spores. Fluconazole: Used for the treatment of fungal infections due to candida and cryptococcus. Prevention of fungal infections. They can interfere with sexual functioning, self-image and interpersonal relationships. Division of Fiscal Management. 31 december 2005 fanns det totalt 315 personer i Sverige med namnet, varav 42 med det som. This is thought to be because the normal skin oil (sebum) that increases on the scalp in the. The authors urged physicians to take a. Fungal and bacterial infections are fundamentally different. Let it soak for one full week, and make sure the symptoms completely disappear. Dermatophytosis, also known as ringworm, is a fungal infection of the skin. Typically, the growth of these microorganisms is favored by particular soil characteristics and may involve complex life cycles including amoebae or animal hosts. Because moisture is required for its growth. The immune system’s reaction to this infection causes the lung’s air sacs to fill with pus and fluids. The nail becomes brittle and pieces can break off. Pathogens of plants use their plant hosts for food, or for a place to reproduce themselves, causing damage to the plant. Valley fever, also called coccidioidomycosis, is an infection caused by the fungus Coccidioides. Treatment of Fungal Skin Infections. The sinuses are hollow, air-filled spaces near the nose, cheeks, and eyes. Sometimes the whole nail lifts off. Marko Geber / Getty Images. Cases. A fungal nail infection is a common condition that can leave you with brittle, discolored nails, usually on your toes. Fungal keratitis can develop quickly from an eye injury or contact lens use. An interface dermatitis reaction is very itchy and often causes blisters on the skin. gattii cryptococcosis is a rare infection that people can get after breathing in the microscopic. Ketoconazole is a fungal medication that stops the growth of fungus and is typically prescribed as a cream or shampoo. However, well documented evidence of fungal resistance to most of the antifungal drugs. When this misdiagnosis happens, the patient is prescribed antibiotics that are ineffective for fungal diseases. Feet (tinea pedis or “athlete’s foot”): The symptoms of ringworm on the feet include red, swollen, peeling, itchy skin between the toes (especially between the pinky toe and the one next to it). ” Ringworm Symptoms include swollen nose glands, sneezing, congestion, itchy nose, and watery eyes. Diagnosis. Three groups. Fungal sinusitis can be quite severe in anyone with a compromised immune system, and can cause: Changes of the skin (pale or black) Numbness of the face. Candida, the prototype of a colonizing fungus that may stay unnoticed on the surfaces of a body has become the most common genus of fungal pathogens and remains very menacing. Red, irritated, inflamed skin. Treatment will vary depending on the type of infection. Although symptoms will vary, a rash and scaly skin are two common symptoms. It commonly occurs in people whose feet have become very sweaty while confined within tight-fitting shoes. Difficulty opening your eyelid because of pain or irritation. Patches that slowly get bigger and have small, black dots where the hair has broken off. Only about half of all types of fungi are harmful. These patches often have scalloped, crusty edges that are defined and raised. Candida normally lives on skin and inside the body, such as the mouth, throat, gut, and vagina, without causing problems. The fungus Candida can also cause meningitis. Most common fungal diseases Fungal nail infections Common. Brittle or fragile hair that can be easily broken or pulled out. gov . Fungal pneumonia symptoms are those of the flu: coughing, headache, thick mucus, fever, and chest pain. Nail fungus is a common infection of the nail. Invasive InfectionsCaptafol. The impact, or burden, of these diseases is difficult to estimate because: 1. It is thought to have been an offshoot of Middle English, which was brought to Ireland during the Norman invasion, and was extinct by the mid-19th century. Fungal cultures can identify the causative organism and is the standard diagnostic test, however, results can take weeks and a large specimen collection may be required. If there is an underlying cause for a weakened immune system (like HIV, tuberculosis or immunosuppressant medications). Fungal pathogens wait in soil, sneak up on new plants, and even bide their time on pruning shears before seizing opportunities to strike. Recommended best alternative to surgery, hot. This also exposes them to unneeded medications and contributes to the rise of antimicrobial resistance in the community. Fungal infections, such as athlete’s foot and ringworm, occur when one type of fungal microbe becomes too prevalent in one area of the body so that the immune system cannot defeat it. Here are some of the most common signs and symptoms of systemic fungal infection. Loading. There is no national public health surveillance for common fungal infections, such as. The symptoms may be difficult to distinguish from the eczema itself and may include rashes. Inhalation of fungal spores (often carried on dust particles) is the only established mode of infection. However, people with weakened immune systems or lung diseases are at a higher risk of developing health problems due to Aspergillus. They live in the dirt, on plants, on household surfaces, and on your skin. There are two different classes of. BV. Fungal dermatitis is a common inflammatory skin condition which occurs when the yeast that normally lives in your dog’s ears, mucocutaneous areas, and skin, overpopulates these areas. Experts estimate about half of people who have BV don’t experience any noticeable symptoms. Healthy bacteria help balance the amount of yeast and disruption of this balance leads to an infection. Genital thrush in males. A character in an epic poem by the Scottish poet James Macpherson (1736–96), based on the legendary Irish hero Finn mac Cool but fictionally transformed and depicted as fighting both the Norse invaders and the Romans (under Caracalla) from an invented kingdom in NW Scotland. The medical name for a fungal skin infection is tinea. Blurred vision. What are fungi? Fungal infections come in different forms, like ringworm athlete’s foot, toenail fungus, yeast infections, and jock itch. It’s also called ringworm when it appears on the hands and tinea pedis or athlete’s foot when it appears on the feet. Blastomycosis, sometimes called “Blasto,” is a systemic disease (a disease that can affect the entire body) caused by the fungus Blastomyces dermatitidis. become red and sore, with pus-filled spots.